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4 tips for effective training management

In 1987, a technical skill or know-how could remain relevant for around 30 years. Today, according to the OECD, this has dropped to just 2 years. This rapid change means that talented people need to update their skills regularly if they are to remain successful. At the same time, the speed at which skills are evolving, coupled with the intensification of the war for talent, presents companies with a major challenge: to structure their training initiatives effectively.

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Discovery report: tips and examples for integrating it effectively into your onboarding process

The discovery report is a tool that companies are increasingly using to enrich the employee experience and improve the employer brand. Properly structured and integrated into the onboarding process, it can help the company to adopt a continuous improvement approach. This article explores the best practices associated with the discovery report and provides an example of a questionnaire that can be used to structure the discovery report for new employees.

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