4 tips for effective training management

In 1987, a technical skill or know-how could remain relevant for around 30 years. Today, according to the OECD, this has dropped to just 2 years. This rapid change means that talented people need to update their skills regularly if they are to remain successful. At the same time, the speed at which skills are evolving, coupled with the intensification of the war for talent, presents companies with a major challenge: to structure their training approaches effectively. Without strategic and optimised management, there is a risk that the development of employee skills will be slowed down, affecting the competitiveness and overall performance of the organisation. Companies therefore need to make continuous training an essential lever for adapting, innovating and prospering.

What is training management?

Training management is a key process for aligning employee skills with the company’s strategic needs. Training management is more than just planning training sessions. It is an integral part of the GEPP (Gestion des Emplois et des Parcours Professionnels) strategy. It is an essential lever for ensuring ongoing skills development, supporting adaptation to market changes, and ensuring compliance with legal obligations.

In practice, training management involves several essential stages:

  • Identifying skills needs through interviews and assessments,
  • Designing programmes tailored to the company’s needs, and
  • Monitoring the results of these actions.

Another important issue is complying with legal training obligations, such as those introduced by the law of 5 September 2018, which is pushing companies to invest more in professional training to ensure the employability of their talent. This law has reinforced the importance of skills management in companies’ HR strategy, making training a pillar of talent management.

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4 benefits of successful training management

In the previous section, we briefly discussed the importance of training management in aligning employee skills with the company’s strategic needs. Here, we will go into more detail about the concrete benefits that effective training management can bring.

Boosting your company’s competitiveness

Well-structured training management enables companies to adapt quickly to changes in the market, whether these involve new technologies, changes in business lines or regulatory constraints. By regularly training its employees in key skills, the company fosters innovation, while being better prepared to meet customer expectations and face future challenges.

Improving employee commitment

Employees who benefit from relevant and regular training feel valued and supported in their professional development. This strengthens their sense of belonging and increases their motivation, improving their performance at work. Such an approach leads to greater commitment, improved productivity and performance, and greater loyalty to your organisation among your talent.

Making it easier to attract and retain talent

Companies that invest in continuous training become more attractive to external talent, while strengthening the loyalty of existing employees. Offering personalised training courses is seen as a sign of recognition and investment in each individual’s potential, which helps to combat staff turnover and attract high-quality profiles.

Optimising costs

Optimised management enables training needs to be aligned with available resources, while maximising results. Your organisation can pool training courses or use methods such as e-learning. This allows you to reduce travel, premises and organisational costs, while guaranteeing a better quality of learning. As a result, you can optimise the allocation of training budgets and boost your return on investment.

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Would you like to digitise your training management?

Septeo HR’s teams can help you digitise your training management. Contact us and request a demonstration of our software today!

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4 tips to optimise your training management

To make the most of your training initiatives, it is crucial to put in place structured and effective practices. Identifying needs, pooling resources and optimising costs are all ways of ensuring a sustainable increase in skills and a good return on investment.

Identify training needs accurately

The first pillar of successful training management is the accurate and regular gathering of employee needs. To do this, professional interviews, surveys and regular feedback from your employees via more informal exchanges are your best assets. Encouraging frequent exchanges means that skills that need to be developed can be identified more quickly. It is also important to analyse market trends to anticipate the skills of tomorrow and adjust training programmes accordingly. The integration of skills repositories can also help you to align training effectively with the company’s objectives.

Pooling needs and skills

To maximise the effectiveness of training, it makes sense to group together similar needs within different teams or departments. This makes it possible to organise group sessions on cross-functional skills such as soft skills or digital skills. You can also make the most of your talents through schemes such as mentoring or in-house training. This allows you to share existing know-how while limiting the need for external service providers.

Optimising training planning and follow-up

Good planning guarantees the success of your training courses. It is essential to choose the right periods. For example, during times when there is less activity in the company, so as not to impact on your teams’ productivity. At the same time, certifications and authorisations must be rigorously monitored to ensure compliance with regulations. The use of training management tools also makes it possible to monitor the results of your actions, analyse employee feedback and readjust programmes according to needs.

Training management is a real lever for business development. By adopting well-structured methods and using appropriate tools, you can maximise the impact of your training initiatives while managing resources efficiently. Proactive skills management helps to improve the performance of your teams. It also enhances the attractiveness of your organisation and helps to retain your talent – two crucial aspects in today’s war for talent.

To find out more, read our article on the benefits of training management software.