Electronic payslip: how can you incorporate employee ambassadors into your internal communications?
The transition to paperless pay slips is an important step towards modernising HR processes and improving productivity. However, this change can meet with resistance, particularly among employees who are less familiar with digital tools. To overcome these obstacles, a genuine change management approach needs to be put in place.
Employee ambassadors can be an effective strategy. Here’s how to use these relays to get all your employees on board with the electronic payslip.
Why are employee ambassadors essential?
Anticipating resistance to change is a crucial stage in any transformation project. Although your communication plan is rigorous, some employees, particularly those who are far removed from the Human Resources Department, may not be easily convinced. These reluctant employees, who are often geographically dispersed, benefit greatly from the support of local contacts who can convey your messages and reassure them about the new practices.
How can you integrate ambassadors into your dematerialisation strategy?
Relay inspiring testimonials to encourage people to use electronic safes
And not just any testimonials! More specifically, we recommend that you focus on employees who, although initially far removed from IT, have embraced dematerialisation and now receive their monthly pay slip in electronic format. These testimonials can be filmed or written up and then shared in an internal newsletter, for example. They will demonstrate that the transition is possible and beneficial for everyone.
Make sure you select ambassadors from different sites and departments to represent a diversity of situations and needs. This diversity is crucial for reaching a wide range of employees.
Focus on the most committed managers
There are several ways you can involve managers in the internal communication campaign around electronic pay slips:
- Suggest that they pass on the information at team meetings or one-to-one briefings.
- Ask them to recommend members of their team who stand out for their positive attitude and their influence on their colleagues. Managers often have a good understanding of team dynamics and can identify informal leaders.
- Introduce rewards for managers whose teams have good dematerialisation rates. This recognition system rewards managers for their efforts and encourages them to actively promote change.
Pro Impec, a user of our HR dematerialisation solution, was able to rely on its managers to relay the message internally. Patrick Senneville, Head of Payroll & ADP, explains: ‘As soon as the managers understood how much time it saved them, they became our best ambassadors.
Patrick Senneville, Head of Payroll & ADP at Pro Impec, tells us that they were able to achieve a 74% dematerialisation rate for pay slips.
Identify local HR contacts
If your employees are spread over several geographical locations, we recommend that you appoint HR contacts in your various establishments, if you feel the need to do so. For example, they could help employees who don’t have an email address to set one up.
You can also organise a meeting to present the project to future ambassadors. Explain to them the importance of their role and how they can contribute to the success of the initiative. They will quickly become essential points of contact for answering employees’ questions and facilitating the adoption of the electronic payslip.
Clariane France, for example, has set up a network of internal ambassadors to support its dematerialisation project. Stéphanie Gaston, HR Project Manager, emphasises the importance of this structure: ‘As our business is divided into 23 regions, we have 23 Regional HR Managers and 2 Operations HR Managers who support us in relaying our projects. This organisational structure has enabled us to support change effectively and increase employee buy-in. We are supported by around forty payroll ambassadors across our sites in France. These teams of ambassadors have enabled us to support the change’.
Note | The dematerialisation of pay slips is a process that requires a well thought-out internal communication strategy and trusted intermediaries within the organisation. Employee ambassadors play a crucial role in getting reluctant employees on board and reinforcing the credibility of your project.
Investing in a network of ambassadors not only guarantees the success of dematerialising payslips, but also paves the way for future innovations in human resources management.
Do you have an HR dematerialisation project? Contact us.