Septeo Human Resources commits to gender equality in HR tech
Rarely has the tech sector attracted so much interest. Artificial intelligence, cybersecurity… the prospects are enough to make the most ambitious talents shine.
But this craze conceals major disparities. Even today, the digital sector is still largely a male-dominated industry. As an HR solutions provider, we asked ourselves a question: what role will women play in HR tech in 2025?
Spoiler alert: there’s still a long way to go to achieve professional equality in the digital sector. But at Septeo Human Resources, we want to get things moving. So we’ve decided to give a voice to the female talents of HR tech: 6 women, 6 different profiles explain their career paths, share their vision and their advice on how to strengthen the role of women in HR tech.
HR Tech: ‘Where are the women?
The figures speak for themselves. The 2023 report by the French High Council for Equality between Women and Men[1] condemns the under-representation of women in tech, and even more so in HR tech:
- Only 29% of digital workers are women
- Only 16% of technical jobs are filled by women
- In French Tech companies, only 22% of managers are women
But why such disparities? There are several major factors behind this situation:
- Persistent gender stereotypes: From an early age, girls are less encouraged to go into science and technology.
- Lack of female role models: There are few prominent female figures in tech, which makes it harder for girls to identify with these careers and to project themselves into them.
- Bias in recruitment and career development: Women often face invisible barriers to accessing technical and management positions.
- A still unequal work/life balance: Parenthood is still an obstacle to women’s career development.
And yet, companies have everything to gain from the ‘game’ of parity. We now know the extent to which it is a source of innovation. The CNRS even points to a direct link between gender equality and the financial health of companies. The organisations with the most parity[2] perform up to 21% better..
It is therefore in everyone’s interest to speed up the process.
Gender equality in HR tech: we want figures!
While parity is one criterion of gender equality, there is another that is causing a furore: pay!
On average, women managers in the digital sector earn 11% less than men, according to the 2023 report by the French High Council for Equality.
It was to combat this kind of inequality that the professional equality index was introduced in 2018.
From now on, companies with at least 50 employees must publish an annual score assessing the gender pay gap and pay rises. A score below 75/100 obliges the company to implement corrective measures.
C’est pour lutter contre ce type d’inégalité que l’index de l’égalité professionnelle a été mis en place en 2018.
Désormais, les entreprises d’au moins 50 salariés doivent publier annuellement leur score évaluant les écarts de rémunération et d’augmentations entre les sexes. Un score inférieur à 75/100 oblige l’entreprise à mettre en place des mesures correctives.
In 2024, Septeo HR obtained 93/100 on this index, which represents an increase of 11 points compared with 2023. A fine recognition of our efforts in the field of gender equality. If you would like to find out more, see the details of our score.
How did we achieve this score?
On a day-to-day basis, it’s the monitoring of our key indicators that enables us to stay on course and meet our commitments. An easy exercise for companies equipped with an appropriate HRMS!
Here are a few KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to monitor regularly to promote gender equality in the workplace:
- Average pay for women compared with men
- The percentage of female employees receiving pay rises compared with the percentage of male employees receiving pay rises
- The number of women receiving pay rises on their return from maternity leave compared with the number of employees returning from maternity leave (during which pay rises took place)
- The number of women in the top 10 highest earners compared with the number of men
Understanding the place of women in HR tech: the talents of Septeo Human Resources have their say
Looking beyond the figures, we wanted to highlight some of the women at Septeo HR who are shaking things up in HR tech.
Project Managers, Customer Success Managers (CSMs) and Product Owners, they agreed to talk to us about their career paths. They tell us how they discovered the HRtech sector and why it appeals to them so much.
For most, their arrival in tech was by chance
Many of our CSMs and Project Managers began their career in another sector before joining the HR tech sector, attracted by its dynamism.
“I started out working in the ready-to-wear and cosmetics sectors. So a long way from tech. I came to this sector by chance. I didn’t know anything about the tech world, but I knew it was a growth market and I liked the challenge.”
Célia, CSM in Bordeaux
A professional background that strengthens their expertise today
The women who didn’t start their careers in the tech world agree that they found in this sector a way of pursuing what was close to their hearts in their previous assignments.
“After a career in Human Resources, first as a training manager, then as an HRIS project manager, and finally as a HR Director, I decided to continue my career by combining all my experience so that other HR people could benefit from my knowledge of data structuring”
Joëlle, HR Consultante in Bruxelles
HR tech, a stimulating sector that pushes you to excel
Our employees are unanimous: HR tech is a sector where you’re constantly learning.
“I learn every day. There’s never been a time when I’ve thought I’ve done everything I needed to do. Customers, their sectors of activity, their demands and even their constraints are never the same and you have to constantly adapt to meet their needs and find solutions. In my opinion, that’s what makes my job so interesting.”
Sarah, Project Manager in Lyon
“Tech is, by its very nature, a constantly evolving sector. It’s a perfect playground for those who are anxious about routine! Being a Product Owner means being able to work in very different sectors depending on the products and companies you work for. So it’s the prospect of being able to renew yourself over the course of your career, while staying in the same job, and I find that exciting.”
Marion, Product Owner in Rennes
A caring environment that encourages progress
Contrary to preconceived ideas about the tech sector, the women we interviewed found a working environment where they were able to progress without barriers.
“Being supported by a caring team is a huge plus for continuous progress.”
Clémence, Support and Training Manager in Rennes
How can we go even further in terms of professional equality in HR tech?
We asked our staff what companies should be doing to promote diversity even further. Here are their recommendations:
- Encourage mentoring and coaching to support women in their career development.
- Facilitate access to training to encourage skills development and progression to technical and leadership positions.
- Guarantee equal pay and clear career prospects to prevent women from stagnating in intermediate positions.
- Improvie the company culture (work/life balance, raising awareness of bias, encouraging women to speak out).
And for those who are still hesitating about taking the plunge into tech, the women of Septeo HR have a message:
“Don’t hesitate and don’t rely on prejudices. The sector has come a long way and we’re a long way from the clichés of yesteryear. What’s more, the tech sector doesn’t just mean having IT skills. You’ll find all the jobs you’d expect to find in a company, whatever the sector.”
Célia, CSM in Bordeaux
“You mustn’t let yourself be impressed! Tech is a fast-moving field, but with curiosity and perseverance, you can find your place in it. You can’t hesitate to ask questions, get training and develop confidence in your skills.”
Clémence, Support and Training Manager in Rennes
“Don’t be afraid, just go for it! You learn by doing. With confidence, the right people around you and a supportive team, you can achieve anything!”
Kirsten, CSM in Bruxelles
At Septeo HR, we continue to work to ensure that female talent has its rightful place in HR tech. Because equality can’t be decreed, it has to be built!
[1] Haut Conseil à l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes – La femme invisible dans le numérique – 07/11/2023
[2] CNRS – Parité et innovation : en progrès, mais peut encore mieux faire ! – 26/11/2024